Camping in La Graciosa: An unforgettable adventure

Camping in La Graciosa: An unforgettable adventure

La Graciosa

Would you like to live a different experience in the heart of nature? Would you like to disconnect from stress and enjoy the tranquillity and beauty of a unique environment? Then don't hesitate: camp in La Graciosa!


La Graciosa is the eighth island of the Canary Islands, a small paradise of just 29 km² that forms part of the Chinijo Archipelago Natural Park. Its golden sandy beaches, crystal clear waters, volcanic landscape and relaxed atmosphere make it an ideal destination for nature and adventure lovers.


Where is camping allowed in La Graciosa?

As it is a protected natural area, camping is not allowed on the island. There is only one authorised camping area: the El Salado campsite, located on the beach of the same name, in the south of the island, a 15-minute walk from Caleta de Sebo, the only town on La Graciosa.


El Salado campsite has 50 pitches, each with a capacity for 10 people. It has showers and public toilets, but no grills or cooking utensils. It is not possible to make fires, not even with gas bottles or cookers. The maximum stay is 7 days and it is free of charge, but you must apply for a permit in advance through the website of the National Parks Autonomous Body.


How can you camp on the beach?

Camping on the beach at El Salado is an amazing experience, but there are a few recommendations to keep in mind to make sure everything goes smoothly:

Take a tent suitable for the island's climate, which can be very windy and change quickly. We recommend that you secure it well with pegs and ropes, and choose a place sheltered from the dunes.
A comfortable, warm sleeping bag, as it can get cold at night. You can also use an inflatable mattress or mat for extra comfort.

Bring enough water and food, as there is no food service at the campsite. Remember that you can't cook or make a fire, so opt for food that doesn't need to be prepared or that you can eat cold. Don't forget to bring rubbish bags to collect your rubbish and leave the site clean.

Bring clothing and footwear suitable for the weather and the activities you want to do on the island. Don't forget a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and insect repellent. You will also need a torch, a compass, a map and a mobile phone with a charged battery, in case you need to find your way around or ask for help.
Respect the rules of the campsite and the Natural Park. Do not make noise, do not disturb other campers or the fauna and flora of the island. Do not enter restricted areas or alter the landscape. Enjoy nature with respect and responsibility. Here you can consult the rules for the use of protected natural areas.


How many beaches are there in La Graciosa?

La Graciosa has several spectacular beaches, with fine sand and turquoise waters, which have nothing to envy to those of the Caribbean. Some of the most famous are:


La Cocina beach: located in the west of the island, it is one of the most beautiful and quietest beaches on the island. It has a crescent shape and is protected by the volcano La Montaña Amarilla, which gives it a magical touch. It is ideal for swimming and snorkelling, as the water is very clear and there is plenty of marine life.
Las Conchas Beach: located in the north of the island, it is the largest and wildest beach. It is about 600 metres long and is surrounded by dunes and cliffs. The waves are strong and the wind often blows strongly, so be careful when bathing. From this beach you can see the island of Montaña Clara and the islet of Alegranza.
El Salado beach: located in the south of the island, this is the only beach with a camping area. It is about 2 km long and offers impressive views of the Riscos de Famara, in Lanzarote. It is a quiet family beach, with shallow waters and golden sand.


How long does it take to travel around the island of La Graciosa?

The island of La Graciosa can be easily explored on foot, by bicycle or 4x4. There are no tarmac roads, only dirt tracks, so public transport is very limited. The best way to get to know the island is to rent a bicycle or hire a 4x4 tour, which will take you to the most interesting places and tell you about the history and curiosities of the island.


On foot, you can walk around the island in about 5 hours, following the path along the coast. It is a route of about 20 km, which passes by the main beaches and points of interest on the island. It is advisable to bring water, food, suitable clothing and footwear, and to protect yourself from the sun and wind.


By bike, the same route can be done in about 2 hours, depending on the pace and the stops you make. There are several places to rent bicycles in Caleta de Sebo, at very affordable prices. The bicycle allows you to access places that cannot be reached by 4x4, such as La Cocina beach or Montaña Amarilla.


By 4x4, you can take a guided tour of the island in about 3 hours, with several stops to enjoy the views and take photos. The 4x4s are vehicles adapted to drive on dirt tracks, with a capacity for up to 8 people. There are several companies offering this service, with departures from Caleta de Sebo. The 4x4 allows you to tour the island comfortably and effortlessly, and learn more about its history and nature.


What is the fine for free camping on La Graciosa?

Free camping is prohibited in La Graciosa, as it is a protected natural area. Camping is only allowed in the authorised area of El Salado, with the corresponding permit. Failure to comply with this rule may result in a serious or very serious offence, according to the Law on the Conservation of Natural Spaces and Wild Flora and Fauna.


Penalties for free camping on La Graciosa can range from 601 euros to 600,000 euros, depending on the seriousness of the damage caused to the environment, recidivism, intentionality or negligence. In addition, the restoration of the affected site, the removal of the tent and the confiscation of the objects used can be ordered.


So, if you want to camp in La Graciosa, do so legally and responsibly, applying for a permit on the website of the National Parks Autonomous Body and respecting the rules of the campsite and the Natural Park. In this way, you will avoid fines and contribute to the conservation of this natural treasure.

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