Montaña Amarilla: A Natural Viewpoint on La Graciosa

Montaña Amarilla: A Natural Viewpoint on La Graciosa

La Graciosa

In the heart of La Graciosa, an unspoiled island paradise, rises the Montaña Amarilla. This volcanic cone, 172 meters high, not only dominates the landscape with its distinctive color, but also serves as a landmark for those seeking adventure and natural beauty.

An Unforgettable Ascent

The route to the summit of Montaña Amarilla is an experience that everyone should experience. The trail, accessible and well marked, is an open invitation for people of all ages and abilities to discover the secrets that this mountain holds. As you ascend, the endemic flora and fauna accompany you, creating a unique link with the natural environment.


A Paradise for Nature Lovers

Upon reaching the summit, an unparalleled visual reward awaits. A 360-degree panoramic view allows you to immerse yourself in a sea of colors and textures: the deep blue of the ocean, the contrast of the white sandy beaches and the jagged profile of the Riscos de Famara. It is a spectacle that captures the essence of the Chinijo archipelago in all its splendor.


Flora and Fauna

La Graciosa is a sanctuary of biodiversity, and the Yellow Mountain is one of its best exponents. Here, seabirds trace arabesques in the sky, while lizards bask on the volcanic rocks. Each step reveals a new plant species adapted to life in this unique ecosystem.


Volcanic Geology

The geology of Yellow Mountain is an open book to the history of the earth. The rock formations tell stories of past eruptions and the constant evolution of the island. Walking along these trails is like traveling back in time, exploring the volcanic legacy that has shaped this landscape.


Protected Area

As a jewel of the Chinijo Archipelago Natural Park, Montaña Amarilla is a reminder of the importance of conservation. This protected area is a commitment to the future, ensuring that future generations will be able to enjoy these natural wonders as we do today.


Tips for an Unforgettable Experience

To fully enjoy the route, it is essential to wear hiking shoes that provide support and comfort. The weather can be tricky, be sure to hydrate constantly and protect your skin with sunscreen. The beauty of Montaña Amarilla depends on our care, take with you any waste and follow the indications of the Natural Park to preserve this place.


Montaña Amarilla awaits you with open arms, ready to offer you an experience that will resonate in your memory as a song to nature. It is not just a walk, it is an encounter with the living history of La Graciosa. 

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