Privacy Policy

1. Responsible for the processing

The personal data you provide will be processed by GRACIOSAMAR CRUCEROS, S.L., CIF B76026145, C\CHAFARIS 25, 35500, Arrecife de Lanzarote, Canary Islands, contact email address, contact details of the Data Protection Delegate, when necessary, depending on the services contracted through this website or any other channels and digital media and/or in person that you have used to interact with us.

If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, you can contact the Data Protection Delegate of Graciosamar Cruceros by sending an email to the contact address


2. Types of personal data processed

In general, the company processes the personal data provided by the user when contracting our services, collecting the personal data of the buyer and/or the personal data of the traveller; either in person at our physical point of sale or through the online data collection forms, call centre and/or any other sales channels set up by the company.

However, on many occasions, the personal data of our customers are provided by third parties such as travel agencies or other individuals who request or contract, on your behalf, the products and/or services that we offer through our different sales channels.

The categories of data processed are generally identifying data such as name, surname, ID card number, date of birth, gender, email address, contact telephone number, payment details, purchase history, login data as a registered user, connection data, geolocation and navigation (in the event that you interact with us from your mobile device). In very specific cases, and depending on the purpose and intended use of your data, data on personal characteristics may be collected, such as in the case of requesting the special assistance service (PMR); data relating to the discount for residence in the Canary Islands, data relating to the status of large family, all for the purpose of verifying the status of beneficiary.

The personal data required in our different sales channels are necessary in order to be able to provide you with the service contracted and to attend to you properly. If you do not provide the required data, the company will not be able to attend to your request, as the personal data required are compulsory in order to comply with our legal and/or contractual obligations.

If you interact with us through mobile devices, we will process connection, geolocation and navigation data in the terms established in this privacy policy. Likewise, in the case of use of our social networks, we will record your communication with us.


3. Purposes of the processing of personal data

In general, the purposes of the collection and processing of personal data are as follows:

A) On the basis of the contractual relationship:

i. To be able to contact the user in order to send status updates and communications regarding the contracted transport service.
ii. To attend to and adequately manage the queries, comments, incidents, complaints or suggestions sent.
iii. To manage basic administrative tasks.
iv. To attend to and adequately manage requests for quotations sent to us through this channel.
v. To satisfactorily manage the purchase of tickets and/or other contracted services, including the verification of the condition of beneficiary of any type of discount.
vi. To attend to and properly manage requests for the issuance of invoices received.
vii. Facilitate the use of other functionalities or services available, such as access to and use of the Wi-Fi network of our ferries.
viii. Manage the registration, modification or cancellation of the loyalty card(s) offered by the company.

B) On the basis of a legal obligation:

i. To comply with any legal obligations incumbent upon us as well as to communicate your personal data to the State Security Forces and Bodies and other bodies with competence in the matter, when required to do so.
ii. In order to correctly manage emergency situations, catastrophes or cases of force majeure, it may be necessary to communicate your personal data to bodies or entities with competence in the matter.
iii. To contact you to inform you, where appropriate, about contact traceability in situations of epidemic control and its spread. The personal data will be kept for 90 days from the date of your trip and will remain available to the health authorities during this period if required.

C) On the basis of the consent of the data subject:

i. Integral management of the registration process, administration and management of your user account.
ii. Appropriate management of your participation in competitions, prize draws and promotions offered by Graciosamar Cruceros.

We inform you that the consent granted for each treatment described can be revoked at any time without the withdrawal of consent affecting the lawfulness of the treatment carried out previously. You may revoke your consent by sending an e-mail to

D) Based on the legitimate interest of Graciosamar Cruceros:

i. To attend to and adequately manage the queries, comments, incidents, complaints or suggestions sent.
ii. To provide added services, improvements in our services and in the customer's experience when using the website.
iii. Statistical analysis of visits to the Website and the behaviour of its Users on the Website. This data processing is carried out in aggregate form (i.e. in a way that does not identify you) or, where appropriate, pseudo-anonymised.
iv. To properly manage navigation through this website.
v. To carry out analytical work and market research on the services contracted.
This data processing is carried out in an aggregated form (that is, in a form that does not identify you) or, where appropriate, pseudo-anonymised.
vi. In the event that you have given us your consent for Graciosamar Cruceros to process your data for marketing, promotional and/or advertising purposes, we will keep your purchase history and use details of the services you have previously purchased to suggest other services that we believe may also be of interest to you.
vi. To ensure order and safety on board our ferries your image may be captured by the video surveillance systems on board our ferries.
vii. To monitor, analyse and manage situations of risk, fraud or incidents in order to prevent potential fraud. If we consider that the transaction may be fraudulent, this treatment may result in the blocking of the transaction.
viii. To carry out quality actions and surveys aimed at ascertaining the degree of satisfaction of our customers and users and to detect those areas in which we can improve.
We consider that we have a legitimate interest since the processing of this data is also beneficial to you insofar as it allows us to attend to you properly, provide you with a better service that adapts to your needs, expectations and level of satisfaction as a customer, as well as benefiting and guaranteeing the security of transactions.
With regard to the processing of your data for marketing, promotional and/or advertising purposes, the interested party will be provided, together with the corresponding data collection form, with the appropriate procedure, simple and free of charge, so that they can freely give their consent to this effect. The consent given may be revoked at any time without the withdrawal of consent affecting the lawfulness of the processing previously carried out. You may revoke your consent by sending an e-mail to and/or by clicking on the "unsubscribe" button included in the commercial communication itself.

The processing of data for marketing, promotional and/or advertising purposes involves the analysis of your customer profile to determine what your preferences are and therefore which Graciosamar Cruceros products and services best suit your profile. To do this we will use information that you provide us with based on your purchase and browsing history.

We consider that we have a legitimate interest in carrying out a customer profile analysis with the information we have about you (purchase history, browsing, preferences, etc.) and the personal data you have provided us with during the purchase or registration process on the website. We understand that the processing of this data is also beneficial for the user or client as it allows us to improve your experience as a user and to be able to receive information about Graciosamar Cruceros products and services that best suit your preferences.
In relation to the sending of advertising we expressly inform you that we do not make automated decisions with effects on you.

We have carried out a weighing of interests concluding that the company has a legitimate interest in adapting the strategy and commercial offer of Graciosamar Cruceros based on the information obtained from the transactions carried out in the different sales channels, as well as in obtaining information that allows us to know the market in which Graciosamar Cruceros operates and its evolution, all with the aim of organising the resources in the most efficient way possible in the sales process of our services.

The images captured by our video surveillance systems are processed on the basis of our legitimate interest in safeguarding the security of the installations and people.

We have carried out a balancing of interests and have determined that we have a legitimate interest in the use of video surveillance cameras, so that transport services and business activities are carried out safely and securely for customers and employees.

4. Legitimation

The legal bases that legitimise the aforementioned processing are the execution of the previously contracted transport contract, the user's consent, the fulfilment of a legal obligation and the legitimate interest of Graciosamar Cruceros.


5. Recipient of personal data

Graciosamar Cruceros S.L. will be the recipient of the information provided.

The personal data of the users, if they have contracted additional services, will be communicated to the company that provides the service contracted by the user. Your personal data may also be communicated to the transport companies collaborating with Graciosamar Cruceros when the contracted service is provided by a third party collaborator. This communication is essential in order to be able to provide you with the contracted transport service in accordance with our legal and contractual obligations.

Users' personal data may also be communicated to the insurance company with which the transport company has contracted the Compulsory Travel Insurance ("SOV"). This communication of personal data is a mandatory requirement for the execution of the contract to which the user is a party, as well as for the fulfilment of legal obligations applicable to the transport company.

The recipient of the information supplied undertakes, in the use of the data provided, to respect its confidentiality and to use it in accordance with the purposes previously authorised.

We will only send you commercial information from Graciosamar Cruceros where we can offer you discounts and advantages from Graciosamar Cruceros and other companies with which Graciosamar Cruceros has commercial agreements, only if you have accepted the sending of commercial communications.

International data transfers are not carried out. We work with external suppliers such as technology service providers or service providers related to marketing and advertising, who are always required to work with servers located in the European Economic Area that guarantee an adequate level of protection in the processing of data. In the event that we work with external providers that do not offer the same level of protection because they are located outside the European Economic Area, they are required to provide adequate guarantees by subscribing to the corresponding Binding Corporate Rules (BCR) in accordance with current data protection regulations as a guarantee of the correct management of your personal data, as well as by subscribing to the Standard Contractual Clauses adopted by the European Commission.


6. Rights of data subjects

The interested party may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability of their data, of limitation and opposition to their processing, as well as the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on the automated processing of their data, where applicable, by contacting Graciosamar Cruceros S.L., by sending a request to our e-mail address established for this purpose:, or to the postal address: Graciosamar Cruceros S.L., Customer Service, C/ Chafaris 25, 35500, Arrecife de Lanzarote, Canary Islands, enclosing in any case, a photocopy of your ID card or equivalent document valid in law that allows to prove your identity, and specifying the right you wish to exercise.

Likewise, any interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the processing of their data carried out by the company.

Any data subject may, at any time thereafter, under the terms established in the data protection regulations in force at any given time, revoke the consent given without the withdrawal of consent affecting the lawfulness of the processing previously carried out.

The interested party will have the right to make a complaint or claim before the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( as well as before the Data Protection Delegate of Graciosamar Cruceros (

The user will be responsible, in any case, for the veracity of the data provided, and Graciosamar Cruceros S.L. reserves the right to exclude from the services to any user who has provided false data, without prejudice to other actions that may be applicable by law. The user is responsible for communicating any modification of the personal data provided.

7. Data retention period

We only store users' personal data to the extent that we need it in order to be able to use it for the purpose for which it was collected and in accordance with the legal basis for its processing. We will retain personal data for as long as there is a contractual and/or commercial relationship with the user and as long as the user does not exercise the right to erasure, cancellation and/or restriction of the processing of personal data.

In these cases, we will keep the data duly blocked, without making any use of it, as long as it may be necessary for the exercise or defence of claims, or as long as any type of legal, legal or contractual responsibility may arise from its processing, which must be attended to and for which its recovery is necessary.

Graciosamar Cruceros S.L. will comply with the current regulations regarding the duty to cancel the personal information that is no longer necessary for the purpose or purposes for which it was collected, blocking it, in order to be able to attend to the possible responsibilities derived from the processing of the data, and only during the prescription periods of these responsibilities. Once these periods have elapsed, such information shall be definitively deleted by secure methods.


8. Information we collect from website visits

We collect and store limited personal information and anonymous aggregate statistics from all visitors to our website, whether actively provided by the user or simply by browsing our website. The information we collect includes the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the device you are using, the browser software you are using, your operating system, the date and time of access, the Internet address of the website you are using and information about how you use our website.

We use this information to track the loading time of our website, how it is used, the number of visits and the type of information most viewed by the user. This information helps us to identify whether the website is working properly, and if we detect faults or errors in its operation, to fix them and improve the performance of our website, so that we can provide a better service to all users.

In consideration of the above, we collect usage and navigation data for statistical and advertising purposes, to monitor the use of our site and to improve our knowledge of the User's interests.


9. Minors

The processing of data of children under the age of 18 requires the consent of their parents or guardians. Minors under the age of 18 should not send any personal information without the consent of their parent or guardian. Graciosamar Cruceros S.L. is not responsible for any personal information sent by minors under 18 years of age without the appropriate authorisation.


10. Security measures

Graciosamar Cruceros S.L. has adopted the personal data protection security levels required by current legislation, depending on the type of information processed and has implemented other additional technical means and measures within its reach to avoid the alteration, loss, processing or unauthorised access of the personal data provided. Graciosamar Cruceros S.L., guarantees that it has adopted the appropriate security measures to guarantee the security of the information and the confidentiality of the data that you send us via Internet. For this purpose, we use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) security technology, a system that allows the encryption of the information you send us, preventing it from being read even if it is intercepted inappropriately. The Biosfera Express server is certified, so that your browser can confirm the identity of Biosfera Express before any transmission is sent. This certificate guarantees the identity of the destination computer to which your data is being sent. You can recognise that SSL security is operational by the appearance of a padlock icon at the bottom edge of most browsers. Clicking on this icon will display the certificate associated with the secure connection. Notwithstanding the above, the user should be aware that internet security measures are not impregnable.
